How It Works

How does it scan?

To accurately measure the volume and weight, Sensortechnik Optical Belt Conveyor Scale uses a volume data calculation to produce a 99.8% accurate result.
First, the Sensor measures the cross-profile of the material on the conveyor.
Secondly, the Optical Belt Scale measures the feed rate of the conveyor belt by an inductive sensor. By using these two values in the calculation, the resulting data is the volume of material. The material data is available in cubic meters, yards or tons, and stored in the Sensor unit for easy download.

How the Optical Belt Conveyor Scale Works

The optical belt conveyor scale scans and measures the material in real-time, and wirelessly transmits the data to your handheld device. From the handheld you can set Customer and Material profiles, as well as configure scan settings. With the touch of a button you can download, print or email your measurement results directly to your office or desktop computer. Forget to email or print your data results? Have no fear, the Sensortechnik unit itself will store a full year of data. Simply download to your handheld device at any time.
The optical belt conveyor scale scans and measures the material in real-time, and wirelessly transmits the data to your handheld device. From the handheld you can set Customer and Material profiles, as well as configure scan settings. With the touch of a button you can download, print or email your measurement results directly to your office or desktop computer. Forget to email or print your data results? Have no fear, the Sensortechnik unit itself will store a full year of data. Simply download to your handheld device at any time.
Receiving your data measurements in Excel spreadsheets direct from the field allows you to review your sites production, see exactly when the equipment started, when it was down and address operation performance issues as they happen. Your office team estimating costs for projects will receive specific data which provides a basis for more accurate bidding, ensuring you turn a profit for all your hard work.



Sensortechnik S600 Optical Belt Scale is the smallest unit available.
(Measuring Width) 540mm wide / 21 ¼”


Sensortechnik S800 Optical Belt scale unit width:
(Measuring Width) 720mm wide / 28 3/8”


Sensortechnik S1000 Optical Belt Scale unit width:
(Measuring Width) 900mm wide / 35 7/16”


Sensortechnik S1200 Optical Belt Scale unit width:
(Measuring Width) 1095mm wide / 43 1/8”


Sensortechnik S1400 Optical Belt Scale unit width:
(Measuring Width) 1305mm wide / 51 3/8”


Sensortechnik S1600 Optical Belt Scale unit width:
(Measuring Width) 1500mm wide / 59 1/16”


Sensortechnik S1800 Optical Belt Scale is the largest unit available.
(Measuring Width) 1695mm / 66 3/4”

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